Friday 20 June 2014

Executive meeting recording

Thanks to Ipswich Spy, everyone can take a look at what goes on in executive and council meetings

The following is a recording of this weeks exec meeting and I urge you to at least watch the first paper being discussed. This was the only paper I voted against because I refuse for us to be hypocrites and patronising to our local small companies.

Blacklisting companies who previously blacklisted employees, makes us as bad as them. We think we have a good reason for blacklisting and yet tell others they cannot do it! Furthermore, we may end up blacklisting innocent employees of a company that has long since changed the directors involved in any blacklisting. Dreadful, dreadful policy.

I didn't discuss the living wage, not this time anyway, as I do not think it was relevant in this instance. I do not know any qualified local plumber, electrician etc who pay their staff less than the living wage anyway. If they did then said staff would soon be off to another company. This is what business is about and it doesn't need lip service and blackmail from the Labour administration.

This was less to do with what's good for local businesses in Ipswich and more to do with appeasing unions. Typical left rubbish speak.

Recorded coverage of the IBC Executive 17th June 2014

via @IpswichSpy

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